SoulMating School
A decoding of fulfilled, love-affirming & lasting Intimate Relationships
With dedicated practices for singles & couples
Enrollment will close 31 Dec
Spots currently: Available
Are you Masterful in your Relationships?
Imagine an intimate relationship that 5-10-20-30 years later is Thriving & Better than ever: your Communication is Open and Vulnerable, your Sex is Real Hot & Intimate and you feel met & love-filled as you continue to choose each other every single day in yet deeper, more courageous ways, Heart to Heart!
It sounds too good to be true, right?
SoulMating School was born after seeing so many people around us struggle in their relationships and being challenged or unable to actualize the incredible potential their relationships hold.
This course is not designed as a ‘yogic’ or ‘tantrik’ offering per se (even though our decades of practice and experience in both of those are inevitably woven in), but is meant as a deeply ‘human’, down to earth, Real & Raw sharing of our very personal experience & learning together through thick and thin.
This program is a courageous look into many common facets and challenges coming up in the ways we intimately relate (especially in the long term) that we have observed in hundreds and thousands of people we’ve worked with.
Topics include:
• Why choosing a life partner is perhaps the most important decision you will ever make
• How to attract a compatible partner with whom you can share your Life authentically
• How to implement the most fulfilling relationship models for yourself
• Meeting the reality of conflict
• Sexual communication: sexual fantasies, limits/ boundaries & safe communication
• Cultivating more pleasure in your Life, allowing more pleasure into your Body
• Nurturing a conscious sexual appetite within long-term relationships
• Discovering Masculine & Feminine Archetypes
• Dealing with Jealousy, Change & Power Dynamics within an Intimate Relationship
• Devotion: Coming back to the Inherent Sacredness of Relationships & Sexuality
And More, including dedicated practices for Individuals as well as Couples.
May this sincere offering of the Heart be of support to those longing for a fulfilling, life and love-affirming devotional partnership, which serves the Greater Good.
Join us for these 21 weeks of Self-paced Mentorship through a multitude of topics and practices that will get you all set up for SoulMating!
*After enrolling you will receive access to the entire course right on the platform. We recommend to take it in the provided sequence and enjoy one module + one contemplation practice per week.
On Death & Dying (with Arjuna)
The yogi view on this Great Transition, how to Prepare ourselves for it and to support our loved ones with more Awareness
7 weeks, Self-paced/ At your own time
Starts 15 Feb 2024
Very few things in life are absolutely certain.
Death is one of them, yet unpredictable & largely tabooed.
This course helps you prepare in a clear & empathetic way, approaching this greatest of transitions with insights & practices from major wisdom traditions.
Designed to both support your individual journey through the forests of this fragile and fleeting being-human, as well as preparing you to meet the transition of dear ones with utmost Awareness, Grace & Support, we whole-heartedly invite you on this journey into one of the most potent human experiences.
Topics Include:
- Exploring the Taboos and Potential of Human Mortality
- Accounts & Research on Near-death Experiences
- Ancient Tibetan Philosophy & Practices of Death Preparation
- Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol: “Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State”)
- Detailed guidance through different Tibetan & Yogic practices in preparation for the final transition of ourselves and our loved ones.
“Everybody should do in their lifetime, sometime, two things. One is to consider death…to observe skulls and skeletons and to wonder what it will be like to go to sleep and never wake up-never. That is a most gloomy thing for contemplation; it’s like manure. Just as manure fertilizes the plants and so on, so the contemplation of death and the acceptance of death is very highly generative of creating life. You’ll get wonderful things out of that.”
– Alan Watts
*After enrolling you will receive access to the entire course right on the platform. We recommend to take it in the provided sequence and enjoy one module per week.

Guided Meditations
with Arpita & Arjuna
Enjoy these Guided Meditations, we hope they are a beneficial companion to your daily practice of mindfulness.
Free Offering
More courses will be added as they become available.