zLove · Evolve · Awaken Newsletter January 2020

What Life Holds: On Celebration & Letting Go

Greetings, friends!

We hope you are surfing gracefully into the New Year on the waves of Precious Mindfulness and Kind Compassion in more and more embodied ways! 

How did 2019 go?

As some of you might have experienced, 2019 was quite an intense getting-real-and-letting-go rollercoaster, for us this last year has been about moving through the big transition of leaving Lake Atitlan and settling in beautiful Italy, putting Mahadevi Ashram Guatemala up for sale while establishing the Inner Peace Sanctuary in the Tuscan forest. This has led us to develop the www.LoveEvolveAwaken.com platform to unite all our offerings around the world so this newsletters are also transitioning under the ‘Love Evolve Awaken’ wing to offer you all more comprehensive, clear and useful updates. 
The first summer season at The Inner Peace Sanctuary has been incredibly reassuring and astoundingly profound. We knew this place is our childhood dream of an Enchanted Forest Sanctuary, yet it has been so powerful to witness people landing straight at “home”, in their Innate Loving Innocence, in their Heart, in their Safe Space of Rest & Ease almost immediately upon their arrival allowing themselves to blossom and come into the harmony and nurturing of Beingness that this natural environament offers. We’ve already welcomed two beautiful ‘Love Evolve Awaken’ YTT bundles of yogis, a couple of group retreats as well as personal retreats in the space with complete delight.

What is Next?  

We are getting ready to fly across the world back to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala for probably the LAST ‘Love Evolve Awaken’ YTT in the Americas (at least for now) February 15th – March 19th. We have TWO more spots left and the opportunity to get the last early-yogi tier in the next 48hrs for any yogis feeling called to dive deeply and courageously into authentic ground-shifting practice and become an inspired and prepared force in sharing yoga and meditation with the world. You can find all infos right HERE
The Summer – Fall 2020 season in Tuscany is looking delicious, starting with a Bhakti Weekend Camp, a couple of Love-crafted Alchemically Pure Gold Traditional Tantrik Hatha trainings, more Bhakti Immersions and Meditation retreats and we can’t wait to welcome you all in this incredible haven of transformation. Additionally we are opening bookings for the solo Dark Retreat facility at the Sanctuary for the period July – October 2020. It has been such an honor to hold space for this profound practice in Guatemala over the past eight years and we are looking forward to continuing to do so in this new retreat hOMe, supporting people in going deep into the spaciousness of Real Freedom.

You can find our full calendar HERE

There has been a lot of down-to-earth yogi inspiration flowing through our Social Media, YouTube as well as our Blog such as “Martial Art for the Mind”, “Reflections on Maitri” and many more, so feel welcome to Like and Follow!

We’ll also be sharing our Love for Kirtan/devotional Chanting in different places across Europe this summer, so again simply check www.LoveEvolveAwaken.com to get all the details! 

May you be happy and well. 

May you be safe and warm.

May you be far away from troubles and danger.

May you continue to enjoy the good fortune you have attained.

May you be free from suffering. 

May you live happily in peace.

From the Heart,
Arpita & Arjuna

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